Isolation Inspiration

by Scott Setterberg April 02, 2020

Isolation Inspiration

In times like these with great uncertainty, it's easy to experience fear and anxiety.  To help overcome those feelings, I encourage you to capitalize on this time of isolation to see things through a different lens.  Pun intended.

Last week I returned from Costa Rica and initially felt robbed of my time that was cut short in my favorite tropical paradise.  I was forced to cancel all remaining Costa Rica photo tours for the year; stopped from exploring beautiful new locations; stripped of creating, sharing, and inspiring others with photography tours.  But what I gained was an opportunity to connect with family and an immense gratitude to be able to spend this time with loved ones.

A few days ago, my sister and I were searching for waterfalls in Oregon to explore and decided to hike to Wahclella Falls.  Knowing all Oregon state parks are currently closed, we thought that individual trails might still be open and took a chance.  Unfortunately, all access points to the gorgeous falls were blocked.  Instead of becoming discouraged, we drove to the Washington side of the Columbia River Gorge and discovered the stunning Sweeney Falls, tucked away in a small valley on the side of the road, just waiting to be appreciated.

Sweeney Falls
Our time at Sweeney Falls was peaceful and serene - purely magical - and this is a perfect example of how an unexpected or challenging situation can turn into treasure with the smallest change of perspective and plans.

Remember, this too shall pass.  Keep the faith and know that when this is all over, ColorTexturePhotoTours will be here for you, eager to share inspiration that only being in nature and photography can provide.

As Bob Marley sang, "Every little thing... gonna be alright."  Hold onto that thought.

Looking forward to connecting with you soon.

Scott Setterberg
Scott Setterberg


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