Creative Composition: Natural Frames

Creative Composition: Natural Frames

by Scott Setterberg November 01, 2019

Many times we arrive at a location that's super popular and overshot, and if we shoot like everyone else, from the same spots as everyone else, we end up with the same images as everyone else.  To get around this, I encourage clients to get off the beaten path and look for different ways to create unique images.

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The Best Waterfalls In Costa Rica

The Best Waterfalls In Costa Rica

by Scott Setterberg September 16, 2019

Because of its tropical climate and seven-month rainy season, Costa Rica is filled with hundreds of waterfalls, which makes compiling a list of the ten best a bit challenging.  Despite that, there are several Costa Rica waterfalls that stand out from the rest, and here's a detailed list that should be on every photographer's radar.

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Awe-Inspiring Oregon Photography Tour

Awe-Inspiring Oregon Photography Tour

by Scott Setterberg April 05, 2019

Since all my Costa Rica photography tours are in the high season between January and April, I found myself with time in the off-season to further explore areas of Oregon and create a new photography tour.  So, it's with great pride that I announce the first ever Awe-Inspiring Oregon Photo Tour.

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La Paz Waterfall Gardens

La Paz Waterfall Gardens

by Scott Setterberg November 08, 2018

La Paz Waterfall Gardens is an incredible cloud forest attraction that combines dozens of species of Costa Rica wildlife with sensational tropical waterfalls.  This fantastic location starts your photo tour off with a bang, and things only get better from there.  

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